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- [Nov 2024] With Haining Pan, we discover the dynamical topological domain wall modes in monitored quantum dynamics.
- [Oct 2024] Led by Haoyu Guo, we develop the field theory of monitored, interacting fermion dynamics with charge conservation.
- [Aug 2024] Led by Zhou Yang and Kaixiang Su, we find an intricate tapestry of dualities in decohered quantum error correction codes. The dualities result in surprising superuniversal behavior in the decohered codes in different dimensions. This work is published in PRB.
- [Jun 2024] With Yichen Xu, We investigate the consequence of mixed quantum anomaly between exact and average symmetries in 2D. We find novel topological phases that saturate such anomalies.
- [Jun 2024] We use the IBM quantum processor to experimentally realize the Fibonacci string-net condensation, conduct the braiding experiments of Fibonacci anyons, and perform wavefunction sampling for chromatic polynomials.
- [May 2024] We find exotic phase transitions in weakly-decohered systems with higher-form symmetries. This work is published on PRL.
- [Apr 2024] Zhou Yang participated in the 2024 EYH workshop (Expanding Your Horizons) and guided the participants (mainly 9th and 10th Grade students) through a series of activities designed for "Observing Moiré Patterns in the Classroom". The developement of the activities are spearheaded by Zhou Yang and Asad Bhuiyan.
- [Apr 2024] Our quantum Monte Carlo study of the disorder operator and Rényi entanglement entropy near the quantum critical point of symmetric mass generation is published on PRL.
- [Mar 2024] Our work on intertwined fractional quantum anomalous Hall states and charge density waves is published on PRB
- [Mar 2024] We develop the theory of minimal fractional topological Insulators and related fractional quantum spin Hall states for a time-reserved pair of Chern bands.
- [Nov 2023] We propose and study an exotic composite Fermi liquid in a pair of Chern bands with opposite Chern numbers
- [Nov 2023] Led by Haining Pan, we propose a "synthetic graphene", namely a highly-tunable and narrow bandwidth honeycomb lattice, in ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe2. This work is published in PRR.
- [Aug 2023] Asad and Zhou participated in the 2023 REACT workshop (Research Education and Activities for Community Teachers) and presented the activity module "Beat and Moiré, Emergent Patterns From Mismatch,” which we developed for middle school students.
- [Aug 2023] Our work on the effect decoherence on quantum criticality is published on PRX quantum
- [July 2023] Our work on the 4+1d topological phase with loop braiding statistics is published on SciPost Physics
- [May 2023] Our general framework on gauging continuous symmetry in 2+1d topological phases is published on SciPost Physics.
- [Jan 2023] We study the field theories and the universality class of measurement-induced quantum phase transitions of non-interacting fermions, and compared it to Anderson localization transitions
- [Jan 2023] We study how the entanglement of a 1d critical system changes after measurements
- [Jan 2023] Collaboration with the Mak-Shan group on the study of the frustrated magnetic interactions in a Wigner-Mott insulator. Now published in Nature Nanotechnology.
- [Oct 2022] Our work on entanglement and criticality in fermionic Gaussian circuits and tensor networks is published on PRB as an Editors' suggestion
- [July 2022] Our work on metal-insulator transitions in the presence of fractionalized charges is published on PRX.
- [Jun 2022] A general framework on how 2+1d topological states couple to a dynamical U(1) gauge field published on SciPost Physics.